Tuesday, December 8, 2015

As we have been reading the works of Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson, something has caught my attention through the works of one of my discussion posts dealing with the style of Emily Dickinson's work. When I posted my original discussion, I have to be honest and say that I did not much care for Emily Dickinson's poetry, simply because I could not understand some of her poems, of which I explained was because she got so expressive and figurative in her language, that I was not sure at all what her meaning was. In response to my post though, I got a revelation of an answer, that is honestly so simple, it shocked me.

The response was simply to look at it from the author's perspective, which is what this blog is supposed to be about; looking at literature from a different perspective! I missed something somewhere along the line, and thought I guess that poetry does not apply, but O BOY! does it apply, because when I started doing as this response suggested, I started appreciating poetry so much more! Both authors are uniquely written, but we can't truly appreciate them until we see what they see. Is not this what literature is all about anyway?!

THIS ALSO APPLIES TO REAL LIFE AS WELL! How many times have you thought, maybe just throughout one day, "I wish my life was different!" "I wish I didn't have to do this today..." Here's a hint, trying looking at your life differently.Think about the people that you see on a daily bases, and think about what they may be seeing in the same situation. As you are doing a task, think about how what you are doing may affect someone else. Did you know that we as human's are always thinking about something. Truly,... and what we think about moves us. Did you know, that you could have the worst day in the world, but if you make up your mind to look at from a positive perspective, it will change how you handle the day, and of course how you see it! 

I encourage you to find some area of your life, whatever it maybe, and look at it from a different perspective... I think you will be amazed too as you see your life change! 

Image URL: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/58/26/83/582683814e93a45e349ec9aa0adb3dd2.jpg